Monday, July 15, 2013


It's great to be back in the beautiful country of El Salvador! The Cumberland team arrived yesterday around noon after a great flight! We were greeted by the new missions team coordinator Kelly and got to know a little more about her and what was in store for us this week over some grub at the oh-so-famous Wendy's! Afterwards, we headed over to Union Church to meet up with Gary and his family. We got to talk and listen to Carlos play the piano. And WOW, God has blessed this boy with talent! After catching up, the boys came over for a taco dinner... hair slicked back and dressed to impress! It was SO good to see their sweet faces and talk, even though many acted like they've never spoken or heard a lick of english before! After stuffing our bellies with delicious tacos and ice cream sandwiches, we said goodbye to the boys and headed back to the hotel to catch some much needed sleep.

After a goodnight's rest, we went straight over to Union Church. Gary was on his series "Following Jesus" and spoke on Grace and Truth. After the sermon, Kelly took us to LacaLaca (Her favorite restaurant) and got us hooked! We arrived back at the Church around two and planned out some activities with the all of the kids. Little did they know, we had water balloons! We left some "ammo" around the yard for them to defend themselves, but we had our own stash hidden up in the treehouse where we ambushed them! Before you pity these kids, just let me inform you that they got us good! They found our baggie of water balloons down by the hose and took all of them...and control over the hose. We were all SOAKED afterwards, but it was so much fun! Many of the boys migrated over to the field next to the house and played a game of futeball. It was amazing to see all of them in their element, enjoying themselves and one another!! While pee-wee soccer didn't prepare me for this, I can honestly say that I enjoyed being the useless gringo on the field. And hey, I kicked the ball once... that has to count for something! When soccer wound down, many of us headed over to play some volleyball. The courts were crowded, but the more the merrier! Sadly, dinner came and went way too quickly for our liking and the boys had to go back to La Casa. We stayed a while longer after they left and ended the night with worship songs with the Powell family and their friend Nicky. While we could use the extra hands, I'm so thankful for the small group we have going! The relationships in a missions group the size of ours definitely run deeper! I'm so incredibly excited for the plans God has this week! Keep us on your mind and in your hearts and prayers!

Filling up water balloons!

Kristen, Stephanie, and Chris riding in the back of Gary's truck at La Finca 

- Kristen Tuttle

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